TEFCE Toolbox featured in GUNI Higher Education in the World report

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) has published the 8th GUNi Report on Higher Education in the World. Entitled “New visions for higher education institutions towards 2030”, the report analyses the state of higher education in the world and seeks to respond to the need to transform higher education institutions based on the experience accumulated by GUNi in the promotion of global and regional analyses and in the production of knowledge for institutional action and the formulation of public policies.

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) has published the 8th GUNi Report on Higher Education in the World. Entitled “New visions for higher education institutions towards 2030”

One of the chapters of the report is entitled Community engagement in higher education: a vision for European policy and practice by 2030, which argues that the concept of community engagement in higher education should become a central concept to frame the debate about the societal role of higher education in Europe in the next decade, and that the TEFCE Toolbox can become a potential policy tool that could support universities in institutionalising their cooperation with their wider community

All the report materials have been published on a website that will be fed with new articles, interviews, videos, and podcasts:


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