EngageAll: new EU project on student competences gained through civic engagement


Aligning universities to address the social challenges of a time of polycrises, empowering students to tackle these challenges and actively shape the society of the future – this is one of the biggest tasks for universities today. The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Karlsruhe is launching a European initiative that will make the importance of student engagement visible over the next three years, support students in the development of essential Future Skills and integrate these Future Skills into higher education in the long term. The Institute foer the Development of Education (IDE), which leads a European platform for community engagement www.community-engagement.eu, will be a partner on the project.

The EngageAll project is funded by the EU as part of Erasmus+ and involved a consortium of seven universities and partner organisations from five countries (Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Malta and Spain). The project will develop digital tools to help students identify and document the skills they have enhanced through civic engagement (volunteering and service-learning). The project aim is to create a European competence framework for future skills through civic engagement that brings together students, civil society actors and universities.

The EngageAll kick-off meeting was held on 4-5 December 2024 in Karlsruhe (Germany), involving project partners as well as guest students and representatives from cultural institutions, universities and schools, who participated in an interactive workshop. The discussions showed how diverse civic engagement is: from volunteer work in local organizations to international projects.

The EngageAll project will run from September 2024 to April 2027. The EngageAll partners are the following:

• Knowledge Innovation Center (Malta)
• Mondragon University (Spain)
• EURASHE (Belgium)
• European Students’ Union (Belgium)
• Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (Malta)
• Institute for the Development of Education (Croatia)
• UC Leuven-Limburg (Belgium)

For further information about the project, please contact us at iro@iro.hr.

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EngageAll: new EU project on student competences gained through civic engagement

Aligning universities to address the social challenges of a time of polycrises, empowering students to tackle these challenges and actively shape the society of the future – this is one of the biggest tasks for universities today. The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Karlsruhe is launching a European initiative that will make the importance of student engagement visible over the next three years, support students in the development of essential Future Skills and integrate these Future Skills into higher education in the long term. The Institute foer the Development of Education (IDE), which leads a European platform for community engagement www.community-engagement.eu, will be a partner on the project.

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