HED talk on community engagement at UNESCO HE conference

With more than 160 parallel sessions and 400 speakers, the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) gathered 2500 higher education stakeholders in Barcelona, Spain, from 18 to 22 May 2022, to reshape ideas and practices in higher education to ensure sustainable development for the planet and humanity.
Conceptualized as a global conversation in a hybrid format to provide opportunities for broad participation, 115 onsite Round Tables, HED Talks and Workshops were followed by more than 8300 virtual connections from all over the world, while 48 “Speakers Corners” and 66 official side-events were organized onsite in Barcelona or online.

One of the HED Talks was entitled: Community Engagement in Higher Education: A Vision for Policy and Practice by 2030, delivered by Thomas Farnell (Institute for the Development of Education). A recording of the “HED talk” on community engagement in higher education is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCtodWNbo70

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